ROS 2 on a Raspberry Pi Robot
This post shows how to use ROS 2 to control the CamJam EduKit #3. It uses a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W, which is a small development board with minimal compute power. However, the Pi Zero can still run a full Linux Operating System, which makes it a great entry point into building your own cost-effective robot. All instructions should be applicable to more powerful Raspberry Pi models, such as the 4 or 5 models.
The CamJam EduKit #3 is a cheap robot kit you can use to build your robot. I have a series of videos on YouTube of how to assemble and run the kit, and a blog post that will tell you what each video is for. It comes with a series of worksheets to get to following a line course or avoiding obstacles; this post aims to combine the line following with obstacle avoidance, while using ROS 2 to read the sensors and move the robot.
This post is also available in video form. If you'd prefer to watch, click the link below: