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Simulating Robots in the Cloud with EC2 and O3DE

· 16 min read
Michael Hart
Mike Likes Robots

Simulators such as Gazebo, NVIDIA Isaac Sim, and O3DE are incredibly helpful tools when it comes to robotics development. Robots are very slow and expensive to develop, and a large part of the reason is not being able to test how the robot works for real because of how slow it is to set up and run tests. With simulations, we can repeatedly run a robot through exactly the same setup every time to see how it behaves, allowing us to more quickly modify the robot software and run it again.

There's one issue - the more realistic the simulation, the more powerful the computer needed to run it. That's where the cloud comes in; instead of buying the hardware outright and running the computer in-house, you can run simulations on demand in the cloud, and only pay for the server while you're using it!

In this post, I'll show you how to run a multi-robot sample simulation using O3DE in the cloud, using an on-demand EC2 instance with graphics hardware available. If you'd like to follow along, this post is also available in video form using the link below: