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2 posts tagged with "greengrass"

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Automatically Sending ROS2 Data to IoT Core with Greengrass

· 13 min read
Michael Hart
Mike Likes Robots

This post is about connecting ROS2 robots to the cloud with a quick and simple Greengrass setup. I'll guide you through building a sample component that can be hosted on a server connected to your robot fleet, which will connect the robots to AWS IoT Core without modifying the robot software in any way. Setup requires installing only a few prerequisites. Let's see how it works!

This post is also available in video form, if you want to follow along:

Deploying Docker Compose with Greengrass!

· 15 min read
Michael Hart
Mike Likes Robots

In this post, I'll show how to use two major concepts together:

  1. Docker images that can be privately hosted in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR); and
  2. AWS IoT Greengrass components containing Docker Compose files.

These Docker Compose files can be used to run public Docker components, or pull private images from ECR. This means that you can deploy your own system of microservices to any platform compatible with AWS Greengrass.

This post is also available in video form - check the video link below if you want to follow along!